Friday, September 18, 2009

So i know its been a while! Here is an up date. We went to Idaho while Adam painted his sister Heathers whole house and built her a huge entertainment center! It was huge. I will post pictures of it when she moves in. But we went to couter lane i know that is not how you spell it oh well. But we were about to go to dinner at this hotel that over looked the lake. It was so nice. Then we walked around and went down town to Spokan Washington and they were doing what's called pig out in the park there was a band and tones of food. Then we went and saw a movie it was a lot of fun. I also caught my first fish on a fly fishing pole. I think that was my 2nd fist ever though. I was so excited when i got it i flipped the pole up and slamed the fish into the rock. My fish was like the size of a mino though i swear hahahah the 2nd one i cought though was bigger. Then you can see Adam turned 24!!!!!! I cant believe it we have been together for 5 years now and married for 3 on the 29th. We started dating when i was 17 and he was 19 so to think he is 24 i feel like he is so old now. But i dont feel like we have been together for that long i just cant believe it!


Andrea Ingersoll said...

happy birthday adam! cute pics....good job catching a fish :)

Justin & Kristi said...

Way cute pics. Lauren you are gorgeous whoot whoot! Lets play soon, I live in AF :) :) :)